Friday, May 23, 2008

Earn a REAL online income with NO SELLING!

Hello ,

First of all thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my email. I hope this email finds you in great health and doing well.

There reason I am writing today is to let you know that I started a new business. It is an amazing opportunity that I received and took advantage of so I wanted to share it with all of my friends and family. I fully intend to make a tremendous income in 2008 with my new business and wanted to show you how you could do the same.

The company that I partnered with is Never Ending Success. They are doing some unbelievable things to help insure our success with them.

Some of the things that attracted me to partner with them are:


No selling of any kind, I don't even have to give anyone my phone number!

Professional salespeople close all of my prospects for me!

The in.come po.tential is a very realistic $10,000 monthly full time and $5,000 monthly part time!

Many other ordinary people are making very extraordinary incomes!

The company has an unheard of compensation plan!

The product purchase is only $98. This is within reach of everyone.

The company's website does all the selling for me. The movie is AWESOME!

These are just a few of the reasons that I have decided to start my own business with this company. Trust me, I did my homework!

I forgot to mention that it is F.REE to sign-up. So, if you understand what's going on with the company, there's no reason NOT to get started by signing up f.ree to try it out.

After you watch the movie, use the online chat box to ask any questions to Never Ending Success customer support representatives. Or you can just call me at home.

The company website is This is my personal page to the company. After you sign up, you'll get a page just like it.

Again, it's

Also, I'm involved in our own cool "Social Network" that discusses a lot of what has happened with the business since I first started.

Feel free to call my home office anytime 24/7. When you sign up with me, you'll be able to use this same email to grow your business exponentially...and I'll show you step by step how to "fire your boss" in less than 60 days. (no kidding)

In 5 weeks I've been able to generate $22OO.OO by paypal, Googles checkout, Money Gram & Money Orders.

Make it a great day. I look forward to working with you real soon in your new online adventures!

Yours in Never Ending Success,
Keith Jones

"Whether you think you can or you can't, either're right."
-Henry Ford

258 Blue Hills Parkway, Milton, Ma 02186, USA

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